the corner office : tech blog

a tech blog, by Colin Pretorius


I've moved my site to AWS. All the cool kids &c &c. After diving into the tutorials and working through the impenetrable-looking acronym and feature soup ("I just want a simple server dammit"), it wasn't too hard. Within an hour or two I had a running VM, my /etc/apache2 and /var/www were copied over, and within another hour most of the internet had picked up my DNS changes.

It marks the end of more than a decade of happy service from RoseHosting. I'd gladly recommend them for reliable VPSes, if you need one. Cancelling my subscription had a "creative destruction" feel which saddened me, but my requirements are modest, and the cost just wasn't worth it. Even after a year of free tier AWS usage, running a t2.nano EC2 instance will cost next to nothing, if I haven't moved on to something even simpler and cheaper in the meantime.

{2018.03.18 08:28}

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